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Dr. Ayub Karimy: political philosophy is the most important  issue for the policy of any nation, but it is necessary for every nation to have its own understanding of trends of political philosophy.

In the past, the book “freedom philosophy: an understanding for the  fundamental  trends in the history of political philosophy “, written by Dr. Ayub karimy, lecturer of the Sociology department in the faculty of Arts that was published. In a speech to University Media, Dr. karimy  mentioned a few things about the book. He stated in the beginning of his speech; “in this book, I have tried to express an understanding of the history of political philosophy, which is very important  for our nation at this stage of social change. 

 For this reason, these questions  are considered by several political philosophies between interdisciplinary fields, that are very important in the political philosophy and  are related  to the government  policies and forms. It shows, as University expert  pointed out;”political philosophy is the most important  issue for the policy of any nation, but every nation should have its own understanding to the trends of political philosophy”. Perhaps, this view of Dr. Karimy  is the distinguishing point of his writing from his other theoretical writings relating to this subject. The  reason  for this point of view, as Dr. Karimy mentioned goes back to “because any text doesn’t talk, but  it acquires its ultimate meaning in the mind of the reader,  it is the reader’s point of view that gives a special meaning to a specific text.

 From this point of view, all texts and schools can convey several paradoxical and contradictory meanings. It is our reading  style which derives the final meaning from any schools, relating to the methodology of the book, he stated “as the second name of this book expresses (an understanding to the  fundamental trends of the history of political philosophy), this understanding of political philosophy, is established based on the “trends”, not based on wises. If we take a look at the political philosophy books, we realize that most of them have been written according to concepts,  thinkers or historical ages. But the understanding of the writer  depends on the concepts, because  any reference from thinkers and schools  often has the inter discourse meaning. Therefore, the writer tries to  delve deeply into each of the  fundamental concepts of political philosophy  in order to gain a  liberal understanding”. It  should be said that this book was published in 2019 by Mang printing house in Tehran.