
Examination of a Master Thesis in the Field of Geography


On Tuesday, 27-7-2021, in the presence of an expert committee, the master thesis of the candidate, Ayub Abbas Malko, was examined in Ismail Beshkchi Hall in the Faculty of Arts. The thesis was entitled “The Geomorphology of Piran Mountain and its Waterfalls”.

It is worth to mention that after an intensive discussion, comments and suggestions by the jury committee, they awarded the candidate a master's degree.

The jury committee consisted of the following:

  1. Dr. Sherwan Sharif Qurtas, head of the committee, Soran University.
  2. Dr. Nali Jawad Hamad, member, Koya University.
  3. Dr. Saya Salam Saber, member, University of Sulaimaniyah.
  4. Dr. Ahmed Ali Hassan, member and supervisor, Dohuk University.