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Soran University Graduates Shine in Rwanga Ceremony Awards


Two of Soran University’s graduates won Rwanga Foundation awards. Abdulhadi Abbas and Khalat Zrar, both graduates of Soran University participated in the competitions and won the first awards.

Abdulhadi Abbas and Khalat Zrar, among hundreds, participated in the 2022 Rwanga Foundation competition. Each won first place in their chosen field and won the Rwangeh award.

Abdulhadi Abbas is a graduate of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science and holds a master's degree from Soran University in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Abbas participated in the Rwanga Foundation programming competition, winning first place. His project was to convert sound into text. His project aimed at researching and developing the Automatic Speech Recognition System for the Middle Kurdish Language (CKB), the most important result of which is the writing of speech and sound for this language. The system enables its users to speak, while the system automatically writes.

Khalat Zrar is a graduate of the Department of Politics and International and International Relations of the Faculty of Law, Political Science and Administration of Soran University. She participated in the poetry contest and won first place. Khalat has a long history of literature and poetry and has a book of her own in the field of poetry. "True, I won first place and award, but the other participants who came second and third have very good abilities, and their participation in the competition and their qualification for the final stage proves this fact".

Rwanga Foundation is a non-governmental organization that holds events and competitions annually in 10 different areas throughout Iraq. The strategic objectives are to develop a platform for young people to discover their talents and abilities, introduce the latest technologies and e-learning systems of the educational process, in order to implement advanced international standards, and create a culture and passion for learning among young people